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The potential benefits of a single administration of a drug normally taken for a week or longer are immense. The ability to treat diseases with a single dose often involves a painful intramuscular or intravenous injection, which do not typically last as long due to clearance by the circulatory system. The benefits in the management of pediatric patients are obvious, however other areas of medicine can be revolutionized with treatment of cancer, heart disease, infectious and inflammatory disorders where compliance in taking drugs for long periods of time is a common problem.

VGSK has been successful in demonstration of the efficacy of this system in laboratory setting. Having completed a series of preliminary studies, VGSK is embarking on the next level of laboratory studies in the further development of this drug delivery system.
Using a biochemical structure called liposomes that are normally found in human cells, Dr. Konduri was able to modify the structure of these liposomes to incorporate asthma medications.
Where other researchers had failed, Dr. Konduri, and her colleague Dr. Nejat Duzgunes, were able to create a unique formulation of the liposomes that is able to retain these asthma medications within their structures through administration into the lung by inhalation.

Studies in the laboratory concluded that a single administration of such medication was equally potent to that of a one week treatment of multiple daily conventional doses. This was confirmed in a unique laboratory model developed specifically for this study.
Besides the highly effective nature of this delivery system, the carrier liposomes also had a direct beneficial protective effect on the lung tissues themselves.