Drug Delivery System
VGSK Technologies, Inc., the parent company of ProLung, has created a method for controlled release system for the lungs which can deliver medications into the bloodstream.
With the tremendous competition in the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry, technology such as the ProLung™ System could become an important differentiator.
The ProLung™ System was developed to incorporate medications into biochemical structures and introduce them into the body using the lung’s circulatory tissues.

Medications administered through inhalation are dispersed via an aerosol spray, mist, or powder that patients inhale into their airways.

Giving medicines or fluids through a needle or tube inserted into a vein.

Administered by way of the nasal passages which are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid.

Administration by which substances diffuse into the blood through tissues under the tongue.

A subcutaneous injection is a method of administering medication, under the skin, with a short needle.

A route of administration where a substance is taken through the mouth.
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VGSK Technologies, Inc., the parent company of ProLung, has created a method for controlled release system for the lungs which can deliver medications into the bloodstream.

A single dose of medication given via our system has the same potency and efficacy as multiple daily doses of the same drug given over one week. VGSK Technologies is in the process of advancing its current laboratory research using this system.
As it is a platform technology, this delivery system is capable of being adapted to incorporate a wide variety of medications into the system. Since the native drug is not altered in the process of such incorporation into the system, no potentially harmful new byproducts of the medication are formed. This leads to a rapid evaluation of incorporation of several drugs through laboratory testing, leading to earlier clinical use.
ProLung™ is the first such system utilizes the lung’s tissues for absorption of the drug delivery system to treat lung disorders such as asthma. Other categories of medications, such as cardiac, infections, cancer and inflammatory disease can be adapted by modifications to the proprietary carrier model.